123 – As a man thinks in his heart

123 – As a man thinks in his heart

Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.

Philippians 4:8 NASB

The book of Philippians was written to the church in Philipi while Paul was in prison. The goal was to encourage and show this church some of the basics of Christian living. A resounding theme throughout the chapter is Joy. Several times, Paul encourages the disciples of Jesus in this city to rejoice, despite him being afflicted. Philippians 4 starts with an admonition to encourage unity amongst brethren and reconciliation. Next Paul shows ways to keep the Joy and the peace of the Spirit, always. For this, He mentioned praying, supplication, thanksgiving and also intentionally thinking on what is good. The latter is the focus of todays meditation.

Proverbs 23:7 says “As a man thinks in his heart, so he is”. This was in relation with an interaction with a selfish person. The preacher here was in essence saying that this selfish person is selfish towards his own self and his mind is fixed on his selfishness, there is very little else he could give to another. The word used here for “think” is shâ‛ar, which literally means to open a gate and figuratively means reckon or esteem one’s self as something. The translation of the word ‘think or dwell’ in Philippians 4:8 is “logizomai” which also means to reckon, credit or and account something to yourself. A classic example of this kind of behaviour in the negative sense, are people who make statements like “In my family, we all drink and so I drink too” or “I get angry easily. Anger has always been an issue in my lineage. My father always did xyz to us out of anger” or “I am always fearful, it’s just the way I have been since I was a child”. While this is an innocent thought out of what seems to be a fact, it becomes the persons reality.

Physically speaking, the heart is an organ that circulates life (blood) to the rest of the body. This blood contains oxygen and a lot of essentials needed for life. Jesus said that out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks, Luke 6:35 and Paul says with the heart, man believes and with the mouth, confession is made unto salvation (Romans 10:10), or in a negative sense, a fruition of what the heart believes. A lot of the issues we have, can be solved by changing the way we think or what we think about. In the case of Philippians 4:1-8, the answer to living peaceably with brethren, living an anxiety free life and enjoying the peace of God, had to do with our thoughts.

So what are we to think about? As Paul mentioned, whatever things that are true, what ever things that are noble or honourable, things that are of a good report, excellent and virtuous. Paul here was not asking the people to base the goodness, nobility, truthfulness and excellence of a thing based on human understanding. In the chapter prior, Philippians 3:1-10, he mentioned how he had every reason to brag about his human prestige and honour. These things were good in the eyes of men, but to him, compared to the truth and that which he had learned of Christ, they were dung (poop). So what is true? Jesus and all He has said of you. What is noble and honourable? Being a saint and executing the judgment written by God, Psalm 149:6-9. What is of a good report? the promises of God and His power to execute them (Isaiah 53:1). What is excellent? the ways of God. What is virtuous? Wisdom and integrity coupled with the fear of the Lord.

Returning to Proverbs 23:7, Shâ‛ar, translated as “think” means to be a gate keeper. Paul in Ephesians 4:8 is saying to watch over what comes into our minds. This is because the measure of a man is dependent on how he credits or reckons a truth or lie to himself. To reckon has to do with something you believe as a fact. This affects both the interaction you have with yourself and the way you will relate with your brethren. As a gate keeper, you can let things out and in by watching what you take into yourself, either via listening or via seeing or reading. Beloved, how do you reckon yourself? Is your mind fixed on throne room realities, focusing on how noble it is to be a saint? Or are you focused on the fleeting reality of your financial state, or a lie passed down to you by the traditions of men? Today, place each thought on the scale Paul provided. As yourself, does Jesus say this about me? This will determine what you are.

Prayer for today: Lord Jesus, how precious are your thoughts unto me, pure and true thoughts of good and not of evil, to instil in me hope and a future and a sure and expected end. Lord, please search me and know the meditations of my heart. Try me and know my anxious thoughts and lead me in the way of Your truth and peace.   

Blessings Beloved 👋
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