“It will come about in that day that I will respond,” declares the LORD. “I will respond to the heavens, and they will respond to the earth, [22] And the earth will respond to the grain, to the new wine and to the oil, And they will respond to Jezreel.
Hosea 2:21-22 NASB
Israel of old was an agrarian nation. They had major harvests during their agricultural year which included corn, olives for oil and grape for wine. The rains of the Lord was instrumental for this harvest. The early rain, which is called the Yoreh, was sent to prepare the ground for planting and the latter rain came to bring up the spring harvest. When ever Israel sinned and strayed away from His commands, like in the case of Hosea 2, they were often afflicted by the nations they run to while forgetting their maker. If they strayed from the Lord, the rain did not fall and there was famine because Israel, being a mountainous land, was designed to drink of the rain of heaven of heaven, 2 Chronicles 7:13-14, Deuteronomy 11. However, Psalm 68:9 says God sent a plentiful rain upon the land to confirm His inheritance when it was weary. In His mercy, He moved to restore them and confirm them as His inheritance by hearing the heavens and releasing rain to bring harvest, confirming them as His inheritance.
This has Spiritual significance to the Spiritual Israel, which we are. In response to the weariness of God’s people, He also sends rain, which is what we experience in what we typically call a revival.
Hosea 6:1-3 says (NASB)
“Come, let us return to the LORD. For He has torn us, but He will heal us; He has wounded us, but He will bandage us. [2] “He will revive us after two days; He will raise us up on the third day, That we may live before Him. [3] “So let us know, let us press on to know the LORD. His going forth is as certain as the dawn; And He will come to us like the rain, Like the spring rain watering the earth.”
The result of this rain is an increase in the corn, oil and wine. What is the corn? It is important to note, that corn used here simply means grain and not necessarily maize. Psalm 78:24 says God gave them the corn of heaven, speaking of manna, which was like bread. The corn mentioned here were from the two major grains in Israel, Barley and Wheat. In Matthew 13:24-27, Jesus spoke of a parable where wheat had been planted and an enemy sowed tares. God sows His word in us as seeds. The corn is the increase and the fruit of a detailed investment of God’s word in an individual. It is the fruit of the Spirit that comes with labouring in God’s word and afflicting our souls for the sake of the cross. It was usually grounded and made into bread.
The oil is the anointing of the Holy Spirit which flows from the Lord to all who are in union with Him as seen in Zechariah 4:3-5. This is not just an anointing for service, but the ability to live a clean and devoted life. It also speaks of graces that rest on a believer in the form of Wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, knowledge and the fear of the Lord, Isaiah 11:1-4. The wine is the revelation of God’s Word by the Spirit of God. It makes the heart glad and merry. This revelation helps transform us into His likeness. Each revelation is like a journey until it is worked into the individual who receives it.
The result of our praying and asking the Lord for His rain is that the He increases His rain which produces corn displayed in Character, the oil – anointing and the wine – revelation of the Lord, bringing a refreshing. These revivals are not subject to specific meetings alone. It is the heritage of His people to receive the rain. Beloved, if you experience weariness in your walk with the Lord, ask for the rain. Regardless of how far you may have strayed, upon the repentance, the Lord in His mercy hears the heavens and gives rain, the heavens hear the earth and the seeds sown in it and pours out its waters, which bring increase in the corn, oil and wine in your life and much refreshing. He will heal, He will revive. He will deliver and refresh you. He will heal your backsliding.
Prayer for today: Lord Jesus, thank you for always sending a plentiful rain to confirm your inheritance when it is weary. Father, I need Your rain. I need Your refreshing. You said that as I return to you, You will heal, you will deliver and You will revive. Father, send your healing to me, but not me only, Lord. Today, I pray for the land You have placed me in. I humble myself and say, Lord, Heal my land. Send out your mighty rain Father and confirm us as Your inheritance. Give us the oil, corn and wine, that the spiritually lame will leap and the spiritually blind will see and Your people will be refreshed. Amen