159- The way of the wayfarers – 7

159- The way of the wayfarers – 7

A highway will be there, a roadway, And it will be called the Highway of Holiness. The unclean will not travel on it, But it will be for him who walks that way, And fools will not wander on it


Last week we examined Job’s question in Job 14:4 “Who can make the clean out of the unclean? No one!“. Jesus answered this question by birthing us again as Holy. It cost the depth of His love and Mercy. He who is Holy, stripped Himself from all that is Holy and became the unclean, not a sinner, but the very sin of man, 2 Corinthians 5:21. This was so that He could make clean, the unclean. He did that 2000 years ago by His vicarious suffering. We also said that because we are human, sometimes we may make error, 1 John 2:1. No child of God sins intentionally. We spoke of the efficacy of the blood. It can deal with sins from the past, present and even tendencies to sin. Sin is an intelligence, however, the child of God has been given a super intelligence. We can kill the sin in the thought level and not choose to work in it. When ever we err, the way to reconciliation is not to blame the devil, but confess our sins to God and accept His Mercy, Isaiah 1:18.

The emphasis of today’s meditation is the way. Throughout scriptures, from the time of Adam to Abraham, Moses, etc, God has always called people out of systems when they have deviated from Him. We can call them come-outers. Abraham was called out of his fathers house, Genesis 12:1. Moses was trained in the way of Egypt but was the major instrument for its destruction, Exodus 3:1-21. Hebrews 11:13-15 says that these men sought no continuing city on this earth and did not even regard opportunities to return to where they came from. They declared themselves as pilgrims and strangers on earth and sought a city whose builder is God and so God is not ashamed to be called their Father. Isaac and Jacob had a similar experience. Jacob was called out of Laban’s house, though he had two wives and a Job, Genesis 35:1-7. 1 Samuel 22:2 speaks about the men who were distressed and discontented coming to the wilderness to meet David, and they turned out to be on of the finest set of warriors the world had seen, 2 Samuel 23:8-39.

God is often the one who triggers the discomfort. Through out church history, there have several come-outers. Martin Luther was one of them, having discovered in the scripture that the just lives by faith. After him there were many others that broke out after receiving a new revelation. The Wesleyans, the Baptists, the Evangelicals, The pentecostals and the charismatic movement with the latter rain revival. However, while the start of these moves were heralded by God, they soon became what they came out of. Why? Each move of God previously had a revelation and light and God’s intent was that the new revelation will be added to the good of the old and push the entire church closer to what it ought to be. Yet, what often happened was that the individuals with the new and the old begun fighting each other. The Evangelicals for example, came out with such a pure anointing for the preaching the gospel to nations which had not heard the gospel. These men laid their lives down for Christ and often died in mission fields, but it looks like the pentecostals came out with fire and at some point began preaching another gospel of comfort and all that is left are relics.

Now God is leading people out again out of the backslidden church institutions of men that have corrupted the way of truth. What we have in christendom today can be likened to what happens when a dove flies away and leaves dung behind. They are relics of what the church was in time past. The level of atrocities committed in what we call church is alarming and God is not silent about it. There is a church within the church, an altar within the altar and a house within the house. There are men, like Gideon in Judges 6:12-14, who are crying out, “If God is for us, where are all the miracles and the true faith committed to the apostles. Yet, God has promised that the glory of this latter church will greatly exceed that of the times of the apostles. God is calling men all over the World by giving revelation of what the true church is, according to the due order. However, the caution is that we who hear this call to leave the institutionalized systems of men do not become what we left. This new move of God was heralded by revelations of the Word of God and by prophecy. We will explore some of these characteristics of the way in subsequent meditations. However, know this Beloved, that the Lord has begun to move again in our generation. May your heart align to this new vision.

Prayer for today: Heavenly Father, You have said that You will build Your church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail. While it looks like this is not the case, with the church becoming more and more like the world it is supposed to help, we know that Your plan is not distorted. Lord today, I choose to yield to You, show me what Your true church is after the due order. I want to be a part of these body You are calling out who will carry the glory of the latter house.Teach us Your ways, Lord that we may walk in Your truth. Amen.

Blessings Beloved 👋
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