And first, let them be tested; then, if they prove themselves blameless, let them be appointed
1 TIMOTHY 3:10 (CJB)
Continuing on the meditation we began a week ago, we will continue exploring tests and trials that we may face as children of God and how to overcome them. God has made and is making each of His children leaders in their own sphere. The aim of the meditation is that we may have wisdom and skill to emerge victorious when tried.
The Misunderstanding Test: (MOSES)
Exodus 2:13-14 KJV
And when he went out the second day, behold, two men of the Hebrews strove together: and he said to him that did the wrong, Wherefore smitest thou thy fellow? And he said, Who made thee a prince and a judge over us? intendest thou to kill me, as thou killedst the Egyptian? And Moses feared, and said, Surely this thing is known.
This test occurs – when others around you, especially those you love, misunderstand your actions, words, attitudes, or motives. Nothing can be more exasperating than having to deal with those you supposedly offended because of a simple miscommunication. In the Exodus 2, Moses had seen the sufferings of His own people in Egypt and was grieved. This moved him to kill an Egyptian who was oppressing one of his brothers. However, the one who was saved obviously did not understand the intention of Moses and also spread this his misunderstanding among others, causing Moses to flee for his life. God uses the misunderstanding test to ensure His leaders and sons are practicing forgiveness and keeping up a good attitude.
How to pass this test:
There is a tendency to get discouraged and desert your God given assignment when this occurs. However, passing this test requires us to go to God for our defence when others “just don’t get it”. It should also bring about more grace and understanding on our part for others when we ‘just don’t get them” either. On a practical note, the misunderstanding test can prompt us to seek out new and better ways to communicate, a key to good leadership and ministry. God looks for our response to being misunderstood, to see if it will be in accordance to His way. It is important to note that, God considers both action and response. You are not accountable to God for the other person’s action, but you sure are accountable to God for your response. He is looking for the one who will die to self first.
The Frustration Test:
Galatians 6:9 KJV – And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.
This test occurs when a leader/ child of God feels his/her life or ministry goals cannot be achieved, especially when there is no reasonable explanation why efforts are hindered. More often than not, this occurs because we are trying to take matters into our own hands, trying to solve something we can’t do anything about. God might be testing us to cease striving and let Him do it.
How to pass this test:
Passing this test involves letting go and letting God work our behalf. It means depending on God’s grace to see things through and waiting on Him to make it happen. Life is a lot easier and sweeter when God is out front opening the doors, not to mention a whole lot less frustrating. If you cannot fix a situation, stressing about it only does you harm. It’s time to sleep and rest on Jesus.
Prayer for today: Lord Jesus, I thank you because You are committed to building me up and securing my inheritance among those that are sanctified. Lord give me the wisdom to move in and out among your people and make me acceptable to my brethren. When and if there is a misunderstanding, give me the grace, patience and Wisdom to keep a good attitude while handling the situation. You called me, not me myself, so I know that You have provided all I need to be all You have designed for me to be. Therefore I choose to rest in You today.