That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:
1 peter 1:7 (KJV).
Today, we will be concluding the meditation we began earlier to understand the tests that God would allow His children to go through, that we may be partakers of His righteousness. We mentioned that testing is part of the biblical pattern for our development and preparation. It is during this testing that impurities in our hearts are exposed, that they are dealt with.
Discouragement Test:
David said to Saul, “Let no one lose heart on account of this Philistine; your servant will go and fight him.” 33 Saul replied, “You are not able to go out against this Philistine and fight him; you are only a boy (1 Samuel 17:32,33). This test occurs – When circumstances or people cause a person to lose hope in the mission they felt was God’s will. The individual may lose confidence in God, His promises and provision, or His calling. Knowing it takes courage to overcome his attacks, Satan wants to weaken us with discouragement to keep us from fulfilling God’s good plan for our lives.
Passing this test – requires us to shake it off, rise in courage, and rely on God for His empowerment. The busyness of life can be a major cause of burnout, which often leads to discouragement. When this happens, it’s time to slow down, seek God, and let him refresh you spiritually and physically. You would need to like David, encourage yourself in the Lord in some cases. 1 Samuel 30:6.
Loneliness Test: Mark 14:50, 2 Timothy 4:16
“At my first defense, NO ONE CAME TO MY SUPPORT, but everyone deserted me (2 Timothy 4:16).
This test occurs – when, whether due to circumstances or broken relationships, you find yourself isolated and feeling lonely.
How to Pass This test – Means fixing broken relationships (if a cause of loneliness) and/or accepting the fact that God might have you purposely in a season of solitude (and if so, listening carefully to what He is trying to tell you). It can happen when amongst brethren or when far away like John on the Island of Patmos. Realize that God is pulling you to Himself and you will need to learn to find satisfaction in God. Psalm 16:5, Psalm 27:10.
God wants us to pass these tests and He is committed to us, to bring us to perfection. Regardless of whatever test you are facing, know that God is able to keep your feet from falling and present you faultless before the throne of Glory.
Prayer for today: Father, I thank you because I know that You are always with me. Therefore I can boldly say, God is for me, who can be against me. Even when I pass through fire, it will not harm me. When I pass through a flood, it shall not overwhelm me. Instead, I will come out as pure gold. I have an anchor for my soul, Jesus Christ the righteous, the Son of the Living God who upholds all things by the Word of His power. I will never be defeated, I will never be cast down. My anchor holds steadfast for all eternity. This I confess in Jesus mighty name, Amen.