For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment: I am the LORD. [13] And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt.
EXODUS 12:12-13 kjv
The blood of Jesus brought redemption for humanity. Redemption means to recover ownership by a payment, to set free, to restore honour and dignity to one who had lost it. This was the purpose of the passover when it was instituted. The Lord delivered the children of Israel from Pharaoh’s hands. Their deliverance and redemption was marked by the shedding of the blood of a lamb for each Israeli house hold, Exodus 12. This blood was given to them as a token, so that the angel of death could not visit their house holds. In the last meditation, we explained the spiritual significance of blood: Life, a symbol of purification and sanctification. We also saw the blood of Jesus as a person, Christ Himself.
What does it mean that the blood was given to the Israelites as a token? The word ‘token’ was translated from the Hebrew word “‘ôth”. This Hebrew word has several translations to English. It means a distinguishing mark, Exodus 11:6-7. If anyone walked through Egypt on the night before passover, it would be obvious to all where an Egyptian household was and where an Israeli household was because of the blood on their doorpost. It also means a miraculous sign. This blood brought about salvation to all who used it. “‘ôth” also means warning. When God told them to strike the blood of the lamb, it was a warning that sounded to the destroyer that these are the people of God. Another meaning of this word is remembrance. The blood being applied was putting God in remembrance of His promise to Abraham and his descendants that they were God’s people. Zechariah 9:11-12 says As for thee also, by the blood of thy covenant I have sent forth thy prisoners out of the pit wherein is no water. [12] Turn you to the strong hold, ye prisoners of hope: even to day do I declare that I will render double unto thee;
What does this mean for us and how do we apply the blood today? God told Israel to strike the blood on their doorposts, Exodus 12:7. One of the meaning of the word, nâthan, translated as ‘strike’ is ‘utter’. In Revelations 12:10-11, they overcame by the blood of the lamb and the Word of their testimony. In essence, they repeated what the blood of Jesus spoke on their behalf, that they are redeemed (recovered as God’s possession, restored to true honour and dignity and set free) by the blood of Jesus. An aspect of redemption is an overturning of a judgment. Reuben committed a sin that brought great repercussion on his life, when he slept with his fathers concubine, Genesis 35:22. As a result of this, Jacob cursed him that he shall not excel, Genesis 49:3-4. However, Moses in Deuteronomy 33:6, stood as a type of our great shepherd. Moses said “Let Reuben live and not die” and where it was said he shall not excel, Moses said “Let his men not be few” this means let Reuben multiply and prosper. In the same way the blood of Jesus speaks better things than the blood of Abel, Hebrews 12:24. It speaks forgiveness of sins and restoration in a double measure.
A sister was in a meeting and heard the preacher say that the blood of Jesus is so powerful that if you plead the blood over your car and it enters an accident, rather than get damaged, it will be cleaner than prior to the accident. This phrase stuck in her heart. A while later, She was heading out and the Lord reminded her to plead the blood of Jesus over her car and she did. She had not left her house for about five minutes before she felt a very strong impact on the back of her car. It was so strong that the driver in the other vehicle ran out to see that she was okay. When she inspected the car, she mentioned that not only was there no damage, the indentations the car had prior to the incident were gone. Hallelujah! This is the power of the blood of Jesus. It is the life of God Himself! It has been given to you as a token, Beloved! Use it.
Prayer for today: Heavenly Father, thank you for the blood of Jesus! Thank you for giving me this life giving force that swallows up death in victory. Thank you for this force that purges me of sin and guilt. Father, today I plead the blood of Jesus over my health. Your blood bought for me perfect health. I plead your blood over my home. Your blood puts a hedge over me and all that is mine. Because of Your blood I have been purified and set free. You have rendered even a double blessing to me instead of bondage. Help me to faithfully utilize this blood every day, knowing that it will never diminish or loose its power! I pray in Jesus name. Amen.
Evangeline Chika NJOKU
Thanks for the word. They were so inspiring and assuring at the same time.
God bless you.
The Fellowship in Winnipeg (Author)
Amen! God bless you