I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. [2] And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
The state of mind of a believer determines the quality of life he/ she would have. This is why Peter said in 1 Peter 1:13 to gird up the loins of our mind. Paul also advised in Ephesians 6:14 that our loins be girded with truth. The mind is referred to as the loins because it is the reproductive part of our spiritual life. Nothing comes into this world without the mind testing and approving it. The means of God’s royal entry into the earth is through the brilliance or radiance of the transformed mind. In yesterdays meditation, we identified from the life of Abraham and Lot, the difference between a renewed mind and an un renewed mind. The renewed mind understands the transforming power of an altar or a place of devotion to God. This is where it downloads the wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, knowledge and fear of the Lord from heavens resources. We also mentioned that the renewed mind does everything for gain of love, validating its spiritual exploits – while the un renewed mind does everything for the love of gain, making its spiritual exploits vain and futile, 1 Corinthians 13:1-3.
Another marker of the renewed mind is its solemn vow to live by the unseen realities of God. Having an un renewed mind is a life sentence to live at the level of animal existence. We can only walk by faith when we see by faith. It’s useless to try to walk by faith when you see by sensory perceptions. In Genesis 13:10-18, Abraham and Lot both saw the land before them, however, they made different choices of lands because of their difference in Spiritual understanding. Lot saw green luscious lands and did not realize it was Sodom that would be destroyed. Abraham’s land, while not being physically luscious was the land of promise, flowing with milk and honey. All the devil needed to silence lot was the greenery in sodom. Many destinies have been silenced by choices informed by all that meets the eyes – Ladies marrying because of wealth and six packs. Guys marrying because of physical beauty, ministers of the gospel silenced because of job offers, etc.
If the mind doesn’t draw from heaven, it’ll automatically credit earth as heaven. Lot saw sodom as the “Garden of the Lord”. The un-renewed mind settles for less as God’s more. It approves what is not of God as God and gives it governing influence. Joseph’s heart was on God before he arrived at Egypt and when he arrived at Egypt, Egypt was blessed by him. Daniel’s heart was on God before he arrived at Babylon and when he arrived at Babylon, it was blessed by him. Lot’s heart was on Sodom before he arrived there and when he arrived there, Sodom bankrupted him.
The unfortunate consequence of having a mind that sees only the things in the earth realm is that whatever affects the world affects the man with the unrenewed mind. When people are depressed, they are depressed, when people are addicted, they are addicted, when people live in bondage to the stronghold of mammon, they live in bondage to the stronghold of mammon. When we see a believer continuously carried away in bondage – the first point of concern should be what has dominion over that believer’s mind. In the case of Lot, in Genesis 14:1-17, he was affected by the war that affected Sodom and had to hope on his uncle Abraham for his deliverance. Righteous Lot (a symbol of the one with an un renewed mind) will always be at the mercy of righteous Abraham (a symbol of the one with a renewed mind). Beloved, having a renewed mind is not a choice. It is necessary for all who will overcome in the coming days.
Prayer for today: Lord Jesus, thank you for sending Your word to me today. Jesus please turn away my eyes from looking at worthless things and restore me in Your ways. May my eyes be set on things above where You are seated in the heavens. May the things of this world become strangely dim in the light of You in Jesus name. Amen.