John 17:17 (KJV)
“Sanctify them through Thy truth: Thy word is truth.”
In John 17:17, Jesus stated that the word of God has the ability to sanctify you. He also said the word of God is Truth. You must know that the word of God is not true but TRUTH. As we journey and grow on the path of eternal life we must consistently recognize and distinguish between what is TRUTH, TRUE AND a LIE. The word TRUTH means “the reality”. That is, it is God’s perspective and judgment on a matter. For example, 3 men living in three different times zones and having the same exact wristwatch would tell the time differently. One would say it is morning, another would say it is noon and the other would say it is evening. The information is true or factual from all perspectives but still subject to change once their location is adjusted. However, if God were to speak about time it will be the TRUTH as it is an unchangeable eternal reality.
True is man’s perspective, subject to change, but TRUTH is the reality from the heavens, ETERNAL and not subject to change (2 Corinthians 4:18). In defining a lie, Jesus described this as the very nature and words of the devil (John 8:44). He is a deceiver and he is a master of it. He cheats the saints out of their inheritance and life by promoting ignorance and calculated deception (Hosea 4:6, Jonah 2:7). But the just is sentenced to a life of faith (Romans 1:17, Hebrews 10:38). The fabric of faith happens to be what God says or God’s Word (Matthew 4:4, Romans 10:7).
If the word of God is truth, we must strive to know and experience its supernatural realities. How is the word truth? The word of God includes both the logos and the rhema. The logos is the written word of God and the rhema is the spoken word or proceeding word (Matthew 4:4). The focus for today is the logos. The logos is a derivative from the word logic. That is, the written word of God is the logic of God. It is therefore how God thinks. That is, if an opinion or thought does not align with God’s written word, it has fallen short of the acceptance criteria of truth. It is on this wise that we engage in the continuous act of “CASTING DOWN” every imagination or high thing that exalts itself above the KNOWLEDGE of God; and we also “Bring every thought CAPTIVE to Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:4-6).
If the word of God is the logic of God then it is meant to affect how you think. The mind is the battleground of both truth and lies. Whichever prevails will affect your ability to experience your heavenly reality as one born of the Word (1 Peter 1:23). We are therefore instructed to CAST DOWN and BRING TO CAPTIVITY all that is contrary to the knowledge of God or TRUTH. Abraham is a perfect example of one who stuck with TRUTH. It was TRUE that he was too old to have a child, the TRUTH however was that he was already a father of many nations, and the LIE was the mental opinion that God’s word was a lie. So it is said concerning Abraham that “he believed ACCORDING to that which was SPOKEN”. (Romans 4:18). He believed the word, he believed “according” to the word ONLY (that is, there were other options), he believed TRUTH. The obvious result was evident with patience and time.
What can we learn from this example?
You can either believe TRUTH, TRUE OR A LIE. Man is always speaking, and he may be true sometimes; satan is always speaking, and it’s always lies; but we must always ask ourselves: What saith the Word? HIS WORD IS TRUTH. This is the opinion (the logic/logos) that matters. It is not subject to change but eternal and prevailing in manifestation when you stick patiently with it.
Let God’s truth affect your judgement; let it affect your thoughts, and let it dwell richly in your conviction and consciousness.
Prayer for today:
Father I thank You for Your Word which is Truth. I ask, Lord, that You flood my understanding with light and cause me to walk in the light of truth. I receive victory over every lie of the devil and I stand secure in Your truth. Lord, Your truth is my conviction; it is my consciousness; it is my only reality. Amen!