7- Running to Win the price

7- Running to Win the price

Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain. [25] And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible.

1 Corinthians 9:24-25 KJV

Games of sports is a topic that unites a lot of people all over the world. Depending on the size of the event, you can have individuals traveling from across the globe to a crowd of strangers, supporting a team of their choice. Top teams usually have very disciplined and skilled athletes who have learned the art of self-discipline, delayed gratification, and dedication. You most likely wouldn’t see a top runner, three days before his big race at Mcdonald’s. As with anything else in life where great success is the goal, great sacrifices are made. These athletes strive for an earthly crown of fame and wealth that will perish, but we are called to even much more.

Peter in 2 Peter 1:3-4 speaks of great and precious promises given to us to enable us to partake of the Divine Nature. Just like Human life is human life and the human body, we have been called to Divine life and Divine body. We see a display of the divine body, which Jesus had after the resurrection in John 20, where He visited the disciples even though their door was shut and vanished right from their eyes after eating fish with them. This body was a Spiritual body that housed the risen Lord, but it was not a spirit. The promise to us includes a call to immortality and incorruptibility as shown in 1 corinthians 15:44-58. It is important to note that God alone has immortality as Paul says in 1 timothy 6:16. Immortality is a state where an individual does not depend on anything for life, but has life in Himself and can give to others. The angels do not have this privilege. This call is great, however, the discipline required to obtain this is also great. These promises, spelled out in Revelation 2 & 3 are reserved for the overcomers. This was why Paul said in 1 corinthians 9:27 that he puts his body under so that after he has served, he does not become a castaway (lose out on this reward).

He who strives for the highest must be temperate in all things. This temperance is born in the consideration of God’s promises to us. In a lot of championship sports leagues, there are those teams that strive for 1st place and there are also those that strive to be top three or top ten. The call to immortality and incorruptibility is to all who believe in Christ, but not all will attain to it. This was why Paul said in 1 corinthians 9:27 that he puts his body under so that after he has served, he does not become a castaway. This does not necessarily mean him going to hell, but him gnashing his teeth when he sees his brethren in realms in Glory that he would have entered into but didn’t because of negligence.

Hebrews 11 shows the hall of fame of many patriarchs who died having a hope of this promise. They did not have as much understanding of these things as we have, but that did not deter them from seeking it with their lives. Moses, who would have been an heir to the throne, being pharaoh’s daughter’s son, forsook Egypt and all the glamour, choosing to endure hardship with God’s people. Abraham left his hometown and was dwelling in tents with his family all his life, based on the promise. Joseph decided to keep himself pure from Potiphar’s wife and afterward, told Israel not to leave his bones in Egypt. He knew God will visit them again according to the promise. All the apostles were killed violently, with the exception of John who was saved from violent death by hot oil, because of his testimony in revelations. Stephen even prayed for those who those who killed him. They endured these trials and chose to suffer for Christ because they understood the hope set before them and counted everything else as dung. They were looking for the Crown of Life as James, Peter, John, and Paul spoke about throughout the new testament. This hope was an anchor to their souls in shaky situations.

Final thoughts. Our dedication to God is dependent on the measure to which His light (understanding and revelation) shines in our hearts. 1 John 3:1-4 says we have been so loved by God that we are called His children, however, it did not stop there. He said, when Jesus appears, we shall be like Him. Pause here and meditate on those words “We shall be like Him“. He who has such hope in him purifies himself.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for the revelation of your Word. I pray for the Spirit of Wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of you, that my eyes may be open to understand the Hope of your great call and the riches of the glory of your inheritance in the saints and your great power towards me that will help me partake of these promises. Help me to yield to you, for it is your good pleasure to give me these things. Amen.

Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 15:44-58

Blessings Beloved 👋
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