72 – What is your desire?

72 – What is your desire?

Psalm 73:25 (KJV)

“Whom have I in heaven but Thee? And there is none upon the earth that I desire beside Thee.”

Desire is the strong feeling of wanting to have something. We all have desires, wants. In this world today, from the moment of waking up till the dawning of the sun, a whole catalogue of desires are rolled out, wanting to get your attention – hey want this, you can have this.

As believers, we have been called on a journey on a holy road, a race with Jesus (the pattern Son) leading the way. A journey where the Father wants to be our only focus, our only desire.

At the beginning of our journey, as many of us can remember, we were filled with such great desire, such longing to be in His presence and just shout from the rooftops proclaiming the name of Jesus. Unfortunately, many may have lost that desire, that longing, that passion that they once had for the things of God because as time went on, the cares of this world, the seemingly “legitimate” desires crept in and drowned the desire for God.

Good news! In Matthew 7:7-8, it says: ask and it shall be given to you … everyone that asks receives. 2 Peter 1:3 says that His divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness. Meaning that He has given us everything needed for life and godliness, and indeed, a strong overwhelming desire for Him is needed (which He has also given).

The Psalmist cries out in Psalm 73:25, who do I have in heaven but You? There is none upon the earth that I desire besides You. We have to come to that place where our utmost desire is Him, where our strongest desire is to walk with our Saviour, to journey with Him on that path that leads to everlasting life; a strong desire to walk with Him till we decrease, and He increases.

Brothers and sisters, this should be our cry. Let these words be our confession every day – I desire nothing else but You Lord, my soul longs for the Living God.

Prayer for today:

Abba Father, I thank You because You have said whatsoever, I ask in Your name, that You will do. Father, I ask for an overwhelming desire for You to come upon me. I confess that my desire is to walk with You; I confess that I want to know You; my soul longs for You Jesus, yea, it even faints for Your courts. I will not be distracted by the desires of this world. My desire is to be in Your presence, in Your dwelling place, for the rest of my days. I desire to know You through Your Word. I long to sit, eat and learn of You. This is my reality now and may this desire You have given me grow stronger every day. Amen.

Blessings Beloved 👋
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