75 – The power of importunity

75 – The power of importunity

Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence of reward. [36] For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise. [37] For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry.

Hebrews 10:35-37 KJV

In Luke 18, the Lord gave us a unique view into the heart of the diligent seeker who finds God. In the case of this widow, she sought justice from an unjust judge because her life and her sustenance depended on it. Although the woman sought this justice from an unjust judge, her faith and persistence were strong enough to inspire justice from the man who seemed to lack it. Our Father, however, is a just God who delights in blessing His children. However, there is something about a persistent faith in God that pleases God, a faith that is not satisfied until it sees God and His promise.

John 20 tells the story of the resurrection of Jesus after His gruesome death. There are three characters of note in this story: Mary Magdelene, John, and Peter. These three show the attitude of different believers when faced with a challenge. Mary came to the tomb to anoint the body of Jesus after his death. At this point, they had not understood that He would rise from the dead, though He had told them several times. Upon getting to the tomb, she realized Jesus’ body was missing. Shocked and perplexed, she ran to call the disciples.

John, upon hearing this outran Peter. This shows that they both had the heart to see Jesus. John got to the tomb and looked from the entrance of the tomb and that was as far as he went. The character of Peter was one who was always being too forward, as we see on the mount of transfiguration, Matthew 17:1-8 and other instances, Matthew 16:15-19, Matthew 14:27-31, Matthew 26:33. Peter did not just stand at the entrance like John. Peter went inside and he saw the linen cloth and left. John must have been encouraged by Peter and he came in, he saw and believed and also left. However, Mary persisted. Peter and John were part of Jesus’ inner circle. John was the beloved, who laid his head on Christ’s bosom, John 13:23. They were not ones that would have quickly abandoned Jesus. However, they both returned without seeing Jesus.

Mary stood outside and wept. She went in and looked in again. Why would Mary go back in, when those closest to Jesus had confirmed that He was not in the tomb? This is the Spirit of persistence. The bible says God is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him, Hebrews 11:6. Mary Magdalene was simply one that Jesus cast out devils from. She most likely wasn’t there when Jesus explained some of His parables and mysteries to his disciples. However, after her encounter with God, she was consistent. She simply wanted to see Jesus, to the point that seeing two celestial angels would not deter her quest. Her diligence was rewarded with the unique privilege of being the first one to see Jesus immediately after his resurrection, even before he ascended to the Father.

There are several promises that God has given to us personally and collectively, however, often, God tarries to see those who would hold on to His promises till they see the fulfillment. Elijah was another case study in 1 Kings 18 after he received the promise of the rain. He prayed until he saw the manifestation, unlike Ahab who went to eat and drink. Jesus said the Kingdom of God suffers violence, however, the violent take it by force, Matthew 11:12. While the promise to inherit all of God is to all believers, those who will receive this are those who would seek God diligently till they receive the promise. This kind of faith is borne out of a love and devotion to Christ; one that will accept nothing else and no rest until it sees Jesus. God’s promises will surely come to pass. However, will He find faith in you when He comes?

Prayer for today: Good Father, thank you because it is your desire to give to me the Kingdom. Thank you for your faithfulness through the ages and giving me the confidence that as You promised, You will do. Help me not to cast away my faith and confidence in Your ability to do what You have promised. Increase my faith, that I may be a follower of them who through faith and patience, obtain the promise. Amen. 

Blessings Beloved 👋
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