83 – Developing a Kingdom Mentality

83 – Developing a Kingdom Mentality

And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.

Daniel 2:44

From the moment Jesus set began His ministry on earth, He began to cry aloud that men should repent because the Kingdom of God is at hand, Matthew 3:2. To repent means to have a change of mind and heart. Why? Because the rule coming is of a different sort. From the beginning of time, Kingdom establishment has been the trust of the Father. He made it known from the beginning of the books when He said in Genesis 1:26 “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth“. Dominion is related to the word “Kingdom” which means a King’s domain of a kings sphere of authority. God intended, from the beginning, to bring man into His sphere of authority. This means that the man who will be relevant in the kingdom must be acquainted with Kingdom life.

In the Western World and in most of the world today, the style of governance is democracy. This is very different from a Monarchy or a Kingdom. Democracy is government by the people for the people. It promotes free speech and equality and gives power to the people. Every man owns his possession and does what seems right to him. This method of governance is demonic and had its expression in the tower of babel, where men decided to build a tower and a name for themselves, Genesis 11:1-9. This is the reason for the corruption and wickedness governing the nations. The Kingdom of God is not democratic. In His Kingdom, there is no freedom of speech. In a kingdom, the most important individual is the King and EVERYTHING belongs to the King. You say only what the King wants you to say, live where the King wants you to live and have what the King wants you to have. Whatever possession you have actually belongs to the King and He gives it for His pleasure. Whatever profit you make from His gift belongs to the King. There is no debating the King’s law, neither are there protests or committees formed to tell the King what to do. Any opposition to the will of the King is treason, which has grave consequences.

Jesus taught us to pray “thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”. The Kingdom has already come to earth, albeit, it is like a little stone cut without hands that grows until it fills the whole earth, Daniel 2:44-45. This kingdom is not like other kingdoms that came and were destroyed. It is everlasting. Unlike democracy, where its rulers are elected, the citizens of this kingdom and rulers are not elected, they are born into it. God, Himself gives birth to them. John 1:12-13, 1 Peter 1:23. We have been translated into the Kingdom of God. However, it is one thing to be translated to the Kingdom and it is another thing to live like you are in the Kingdom. God told Israel that His desire was to make them a kingdom of priests, Exodus 19:6, however, they never became that. Why? Though they had been delivered from slavery, their minds had been bruised due to years of slavery that they desired the onions and garlic of Egypt more than the manna and the liberty God gave them. This resulted in their destruction, Numbers 11:5-6. Unfortunately, many believers live their lives like this: in the kingdom of God, yet still living under the bondage of the devil. Our translation is not a future thing, it is a living reality. However, our transformation is a process, Romans 12:1-3.

Our greatest deliverance, then, comes in the place of knowledge. This knowledge comes as we learn and eat of the Word of God and it is gradual. The more we eat, the more we grow fat and it is this fatness (anointing) that breaks the yoke of bondage. It is the continuous transformation that sets you free to live in the kingdom. Know and know assuredly that everything about the Kingdom revolves around the king. You have been bought with a price, you are no longer your own, the King owns you, 1 Corinthians 6:20. In Numbers 3:13, God said the firstborn are mine and everyone born in this new testament age into the church, is a firstborn, Hebrews 12:23. You are completely owned by God. Hence, you have no business crying over anything in your life, because He is in complete control and works everything according to His pleasure and for your good.

In subsequent meditations, we will examine the life of one in the Kindom as Jesus mentioned in Matthew 5, 6, and 7. However, in Matthew 13, Jesus speaking of the Kingdom of heaven speaks of it as a seed. The kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of God shown here are the same. The Kingdom of heaven is simply the Kingdom of God in its growing or embryonic state. Back to Matthew 13, the seed is sown in different kinds of heart, but it is the one in good soil that germinates. This good soil is a heart full of understanding. It is a person with this understanding that will know that all things work together according to the counsel and mind of God. Until we have this mind, we have no right to talk or express our desires, knowing that they are only valid when they are in the counsel of the King. It is he who has this understanding that will bear fruits and only they who bear fruits that will not be cast out of the kingdom. These fruits are the fruit of the Spirit, Galatians 5:22-24. This is why we pray like Paul for light and understanding and renew our minds, that being translated into the Kingdom of light, we will be found worthy of it.

Prayer for today: My Father and My King, thank you for translating me into Your Kingdom, an everlasting Kingdom and dominion that endures forever. Thank you for predestining that I will be an inheritor of this kingdom. Lord teach me the principles and precepts of this Kingdom. Teach me to understand that everything about the Kingdom revolves around You, including my life. I was created for your pleasure, not mine. Open the eyes of my understanding that I may know the hope of this great call to serve in Your Kingdom and give me the ability to walk accordingly, that I may not be a castaway! 

Blessings Beloved 👋
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