And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.
Daniel 2:44
Yesterday, we examined the difference between the style of government we have currently on earth and that of the coming Kingdom. The coming Kingdom is not a democracy, where the power is by and for the people. The Kingdom of God is all about God and God alone. All that happens in this Kingdom is after the counsel of God’s will. The foundation of this Kingdom was laid when Christ, the cornerstone, cut without hands came to earth and died for humanity. It is said of this Kingdom that it shall never be destroyed. All other kingdoms, including that of Israel in all its majesty, were left to other people and overthrown by Babylon, Assyria, Persia, Rome, etc. However, the nature of this Kingdom is that it continues to grow in power and strength until it becomes a mountain to fill the whole earth, Daniel 2:34-35.
Jesus went around saying that men and women had to have a change of mind and repent because of this coming Kingdom, Matthew 3:2. When asked about this Kingdom, He said the Kingdom was not one that came by observation, but it is within us, Luke 17:21. Paul also re-echoed this, saying the kingdom of God is not in meat and drink, but in righteousness, peace, and Joy in the Holy Spirit, Romans 14:17. One key sign of the take over of a kingdom is the presence of its citizens and its king in a place. As mentioned in the previous meditation, the citizens of this Kingdom are not elected but born into it. John said as many as believed Christ, He gave them authority to become the sons of God, born not of the will of the flesh or man, but of God. This kingdom is said to grow until it fills the whole earth. Jesus said that except a corn of wheat falls to the ground and dies it abides alone, but if it dies, it produces more fruit similar, such that it is difficult to tell the difference between the first corn and those reproduced, John 12:24. This is the manner in which this Kingdom expands. Jesus sows His seed (His Word) in our heart and if it is good soil (a heart of understanding), it grows until it takes over and we become exactly like Jesus. The appearance of many Jesus-like men on the earth, in power, glory, and character is the Kingdom of God. It is characterized by men of peace, clothed in righteousness and exhibiting the Joy of the Lord.
Since this kingdom is linked to the people who live in it, Jesus began in Matthew 5, 6, and 7 to list the attitudes and signs of the Kingdom man. He started with what we know today as the Be-attitudes from His longest sermon recorded, the sermon on the mount. According to Jesus, the Kingdom man is poor in Spirit. This means he is needy and fully aware of His nothingness without God. As Christ, he is meek and lowly and it is these kinds of people God loves to inhabit and find rest in, Isaiah 66:1-2. They mourn because of the state of the world around them and their own, yet-to-be-perfect state. They are meek and they hunger and thirst for righteousness, which is a key characteristic of the Kingdom. Having obtained mercy, they are rich in mercy like the King. They are pure in heart, having been purified by the pure Word of God they hide in their heart. They are lovers of peace, who pursue peace with all men. Where there is no peace, they seek to create it by reconciling men with God and men with other men. These men are often hated, misunderstood and persecuted and reviled because they are so different from the world around them. Though peacemakers, they are perceived by many outside the kingdom as troublemakers. Because their values are very different from normal humans, people often feel judged by them, seeing in them what they desire but cannot create in themselves. In a world full of darkness, decay and hatred, these men can be described as Light, Salts of the earth and Love.
The rest of the Parables Jesus spoke about regarding the Kingdom were often an elaboration of these attributes or a word to these kingdom men to stay focused on the Kingdom and not this world that is passing away. The beginning of this Kingdom for a man is when he receives the Word of God and surrenders his heart to Jesus. This kingdom continues to grow as he surrenders to the rulership of Jesus. The kingdom man is willing to give up his desires, will, emotions and mind to have Jesus move freely through him. He understands that the Word of God is the law and because He loves this law, he has great peace, Psalm 119:165. A Kingdom man is not known by many works or having the greatest anointing, although the Kingdom of God is manifested by the Power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus in Matthew 7:15-23 spoke of some who would say they did works in His name but would not inherit the kingdom. A kingdom man is known by the fruit of the Spirit which he bears. He is one who is of a poor and contrite heart and submits to the Word of God. This Word purifies and transforms his mortal being to exhibit supernatural characters and power. He seeks no glory for himself since the Lord Himself is his glory and the one who lifts his head, Psalm 3:3. What glory could be better than having the King of Glory Himself, living and moving freely through you?
Prayer for today: King Jesus, thank you for sending Your Word to me today which is able to convert my soul and transform me into a kingdom man. Lord, I surrender to your rulership, create in me, that which I see in Christ, that when men see me, they see Jesus. Let me be an expression of Your Kingdom as I move around today in Righteousness, Peace and Joy in the Holy Ghost. Amen