Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.
Yesterday, we considered the idea of the marriage supper of the lamb and that the greatest revelation of God to us in this age is, Christ as our bridegroom. Seeing that we have been called to be brides, we began considering the steps for preparation, so that we will not be like those who were called, but were not found worthy of this call. For the steps to prepare, we considered Matthew 25, the story of the 10 virgins. These to-be brides were virgins which is a requirement of the wife of a high priest. However, being a virgin was not enough to make it to the supper when the bride groom arrived. These other criteria are the trust of todays meditation.
These virgins were put on trial, hence the number 10. They all set out with lamps and were aware that they were to meet their bridegroom. The bridegroom tarried, so they had to wait. Five of these virgins were wise because they had carried extra oil for their lamps in case they needed it, but the other five were foolish, not realizing the need for this extra oil. While the bridegroom taried, they all slept and their lamps were going out. At midnight, there was a cry that awaked all of the brides, it was here that the consequence of the action of the foolish were seen. They had lamps without oil and so their fire went out. They had to go get extra oil, but when they got back, the bridegroom had already come and taken his bride away. Seeing that this Parable was an answer to a question to Jesus by his disciples in Matthew 24, about the coming Kingdom, how does this apply to us?
The oil is the Holy Spirit, the anointing. This oil is poured into the lamp which is the spirit of the man. The vessel in the case is the soul. This was where the wise virgins carried extra oil. What does this mean? God’s anointing always goes to the Spirit, He never anoints your soul. For the oil to get to your soul, like David in Psalm 23 says, there needs to be an overflow from the Spirit. The result of this is that the soul is also influenced by the Spirit. You can often tell when a believer has oil in their soul because they manifest the fruits of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22-25. A person may be anointed, but their soul is dry. A conquered soul, whose desire, mind, emotions and will is controlled by the Holy Spirit can only be a result of an intimate knowing with the bridegroom, such that fruits are formed. The bridegroom tarried. Why? It was because he was giving the foolish virgins time to get more oil, to be ready. However, they slept and because of that, they did not get any oil. The bridegroom came back in the midnight, which is the darkest hour. Those who made the call to wake the virgins are the first among the first fruit that never slept. These are a nameless faithful. These had already been with the bridegroom. This was why they said “go ye out to meet Him “instead of “let us go out to meet Him”. Even though it is said that the Lord comes in the midnight. 1 Thessalonians 5:2-4 says that we can know perfectly the day of the Lord, since we do not live like those who sleep.
Our ability to be chaste brides, worthy of the call of marriage is something God Himself works into us. It is God that works in us to will and to do of His own pleasure. However, it is our responsibility to sit under His teaching in the secret place and gather much oil. As we sit and learn of Him, we will understand that we were crucified with Christ and loose all self consciousness. As a result, we will experience the realities of Christ living in us, bringing forth fruits of righteousness.
Prayer for today: Lord Jesus, thank you for choosing me to be your bride. Thank you because it is you that works in me to will and to do of your good pleasure. Lord, help me to sit and learn at your feet. Give me wisdom and bring me through experiences that will help me gather as much extra oil in my vessel that I may be ready for your coming. Work in me to will and to do of your good pleasure, that I may be a chaste bride for you.