He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. [2] I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.
Psalm 91:1-2 KJV
The old covenant was very strict in terms of a penalty for sin. One who killed was to be killed: an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Yet, because the law is righteous there were exceptions from this law that passed the death sentence on many occasions, one of these was the city of refuge in Numbers 35:9-29. If a man had accidentally killed a person, the penalty was death. There was one called the avenger of blood who was to avenge the death of his relative, having the right to spill blood as the victim’s closest relative. This was why these cities were built. If the manslayer ran to the city of refuge, his case was to be looked at by the high priest and he would be hidden in the community until the death of the high priest who had acquitted him. If he ever left this city of refuge before the death of the high priest, his blood was in his hands. He would be considered a murderer and could be killed as such.
This concept of a city of refuge was simply a type and shadow of Christ. He is our great high priest ministering in a tabernacle pitched by God and not man and He constantly makes intercession for us, Hebrews 8:2. Because of our sin and transgressions, the penalty is death, says the law. However, because our high priest made atonement for us by His own blood, we can flee into Him for refuge, regardless of the gravity of our sin. The penalty has already been paid for. The art of fleeing in this case is to believe in Him as John 3:16 says. Our high priest also lives forever, putting a perpetual block between us and the avenger of blood. For this reason, we who have fled for refuge into Christ have hope of eternal salvation in Him. The condition here is that to avoid death in any form, we must choose to live, move and have our being in Him. Anything outside of Him is subject to death and decay.
What then is this death?
From the beginning, when adam sinned, being a spirit, he was separated from God. In essence, he died. The consequence was that everything around him moved towards his death. The ground that was to be a means to sustain him was cursed. All the animals revolted against him. Oxygen which he needed for life was also killing him. Even the earth would occasionally roar and quake, all in the quest to receive his blood, and eventually, man would return to the grave. Outside of God, everything served the purpose of the avenger, death. Hence it is called the last enemy, 1 Corinthians 15:26. However, for the man in Christ, he has been restored to God, this is the first part of his restoration to life. As a result, in Christ, he has immunity against things that can cause spiritual death and as a result, can live life in total health in body, mind, and spirit, perpetually. This is why Jesus said He is the resurrection and the life. If a man believes in Him, he will never die, but even if he dies, he will live forever John 11:25-26. The method of living in this city of refuge is by faith, Hebrews 10:38
How does this affect our everyday lives?
Because Christ lives, as a high priest in a better tabernacle and of a better covenant, we have the right to partake of the covenant. These covenant promises are written all over the bible. One of such is that He will be merciful to our unrighteousness and remember our sins no more, Hebrews 8:10-13. Because of this promise, we know that spiritual death or separation from God is a thing of the past. We can live perpetually in His presence and not suffer rising and falling, so long as we remain in Him by believing in His promises. It is foolish to run away from God or hide from Him when we transgress his command. Outside Him is death, but He has promised to forgive and not just that, put His law in our hearts which gives us immunity against sin, converting our souls. Physically, Psalm 91 shows the perks of living in Christ. There is a supernatural immunity against death by the elements, plagues, and pandemics of all kinds, etc, so much so that even if we drink deadly things, it has no effect on us, Mark 16:18. Part of this death is also a lack of direction and knowledge of God’s will, due to separation from God. Any consequence of being away from God is dealt with as long as we remain in Christ, our city of refuge. So long as we make the Lord our refuge and our habitation, by running to Him for protection, no evil will befall us, nor any plague comes near our dwelling. It even gives us the confidence to tread upon serpents, lions, and all the powers of the enemy without fear, because if God is for us, who can be against us?
Prayer for today: Lord Jesus, thank you for being my eternal high priest of good things to come. Because you live forever, I have perpetual immunity against sin and death so long as I live, move, and have my being in you. Lord now that I know, I will never run away from you when I sin, knowing that outside of you is the avenger of blood. I confess today that in You I live, In You, I move and in You, I have my being, eternally. Amen.