Bible Study Outlines

Bible Study Outlines

The Book of Romans: Chapters 1-8

The Book of Romans is arguably one of the most impactful books in the Bible, relative to establishing a person in a victorious Christian experience. Discuss what a victorious Christian life looks like. It is for this reason and more that we have an incentive to study the book of Romans, with emphasis on chapters 1 to 8. The purpose of the outline is to serve as a catalyst…

The Rain and The Harvest

Introduction The burden of this bible study is to gain an understanding of the prophetic concept of The Rain of the Lord – its character and how we are to prepare ourselves to benefit from it. In simple terms, the rain of the Lord can be likened to funding packages made available by the government to accelerate development in particular sectors of the economy. And in the…

The Dynamics of Salvation

Pretext: Salvation, in a nutshell, is a word that is generally used to describe the business that our Lord Jesus came to accomplish on earth towards humanity, as well as the effect of that business on those who subscribe to it by faith. It is our desire in this study that by the help of the Holy Spirit we will gain sufficient understanding of this business so that our…

Spiritual Warfare

Introduction This bible study subject (Spiritual Warfare) is born out of an appreciation of the fact that life is spiritual. That is, we (humans) are spirits, living in a spiritual world, surrounded by the Holy Spirit, spirits of just men made perfect, angelic spirits, and demonic spirits. All these spirits (including humans) are divided into two camps: the Kingdom of God…

The Foundation of the Vision

The burden of this bible study is to gain an understanding of the foundation (the core principles) of the vision that God has called us to obtain and how we are to journey into it. Key scriptures include: Genesis 1:26-28, Genesis 1:2, Genesis 12:1-3, Genesis 22:16-18, Isaiah 28:16, Matthew 16:18, 1 Corinthians 3:11,Titus 1:2-3, Hebrews 6:12-18, Matthew 5,6,7. With the…

The Revelation of Jesus Christ

Revelation 1:1-2, John 1:1-18, Hebrews 1:1-9, Luke 10:17-24, Matthew 16:13-19 Introduction What is the revelation of Jesus Christ? It is the unveiling of the many dimensions of who Jesus is and how we can interact with and benefit from these many dimensional revelations of Himself. But firstly, we need to know that revelation is progressive, and in the revelation of Jesus…

The New Testament Church

The Church (as a whole, worldwide) is the bride of Christ (Ephesians 5:22-31), while a church in a city is a local expression of the bride of Christ. As a bride, the Church is a woman (Revelation 12:1), and is a mother (Galatians 4:26, Revelation 21:9-10) – a mother to the believers that make up the Church. Meaning, a church in a city (the church in Winnipeg for example)…

Spiritual Understanding

The burden of this study is for the Lord in His mercy to enlighten us on the nature of things from the view point of the spiritual realm, so that in the fight of faith to lay hold on eternal life (1 Timothy 6:12), we would not be as one that beats the air (1 Corinthians 9:26), but will be well equipped to war a good warfare (1 Timothy 1:18), and be counted among them that…

The Feasts of the Lord – Trumpets

By God’s grace, we have been studying on the feasts of the Lord (as outlined in Leviticus 23 and other relevant passages). We have understood that these feasts (seven of them) are spiritual milestones that the Lord expects us His people to experience (individually and as a church). We understood that the first feast (Passover) marks the beginning of our Christian journey…

The Feasts of the Lord – Day of Atonement

This is the sixth feast among seven feasts that the Lord ordained for the people of Israel to keep. The feasts were key milestones that they were to keep through the course of the year, from Passover [which marked their beginning as a nation] to Pentecost [which marked the firstfruits of their…
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