Understanding your Salvation – We are being saved

Understanding your Salvation – We are being saved

What does that mean?
  • We can say that we are being saved [when we are undergoing moral transformations and renewals daily] -1st Peter 1:5-11. This is referred to as the so great salvation – Hebrews 2:1.
  • Whereas “We have been saved” dealt with the salvation of our spirit the renewing and reconciliation of our prodigal spirit to fellowship with God through the payment of the ransom [the atoning price] – the blood of Jesus, this section, “We are being saved”, deals with the salvation of our soul.
  • What is the soul? It is the description of our personality, our nature, our character the things we think about, the things we desire, the things we talk about, and the things we do.
  • Salvation of our soul therefore involves a renewing and alignment of our personality to resemble God’s personality in the things we think about, the things we desire, the things we talk about, and the things we do. Romans 8:29, Colossians 1:15, Philippians 2:5, Ephesians 4:24.
  • This involves constantly resisting the spirits of darkness that are ministers of various aspects of the earthy nature. These spirits once had control over us [before the salvation of our spirit at the born-again experience] but now relentlessly suggest and attempt to woo us into still yielding to their leadings which would result in still expressing a personality that is opposite to God’s.
How is it accomplished?
  • The Blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus is the price [the ransom] with which our freedom from the penalty of sin and from being with the enemy was purchased. 1st Peter 1:18-19. It is therefore a basis for us to reject all the accusations of the enemy against us. Romans 8:34, Romans 5:1-21 [esp. Romans 5:6,16], Ephesians 1:17, Revelation 1:5. The blood of Jesus secures for us a gift that is valid for many offences this is grace thus giving us a continued ground to reject the accusations of satan. Revelation 12:11. But this victory secured for us by the blood of Jesus is again also enjoyed by faith. Romans 3:25. The accusations of satan are designed to make us feel unworthy to approach God, and thus tempt us to draw back from Him. Being able to resist these accusations save us from leaving God’s presence [the one who can change us]. It saves us from being weak, discouraged, and hence vulnerable again to doubtful and sinful spirits of darkness that try to weigh us back into sinful things. We are to use the blood of Jesus to continually purge our conscience from guilt so that we can by faith always have a clear access to the God who can create us into His resemblance by His Word. Hebrews 9:14.
  • The cross of Christ. Using the cross of Christs represents living a life of dying to self. Laying down our will, desires, thoughts, words, actions and seizing to exist for ourselves, but for God instead. Luke 9:23-25. It is the Holy Spirit that will lead us to the cross. Romans 8:13. Colossians 3:5.
  • The Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit empowers us to resist spirits of darkness who come to suggest thoughts, desires, words, and doings to us. He [through daily interaction and fellowship] then becomes the one to affect the things we think about, the things we desire, the things we talk about and the things we do, thereby saving and reconciling our personality [that it should not be alien to God’s personality] so long as we are obedient to His leadings. Romans 8:13-14. How does this work? Who is the Holy Spirit? John 14:17-23.
  • The name of Jesus. Philippians 2:10, Mark 16:17, John 14:13-14, John 15:16, John 16:23-28, John 20:31, Acts 16:18. The name of Jesus is Jesus Himself. Doing something in the name of Jesus is doing something with the full backing of Jesus that is, with the signature of Jesus on the thing. Understanding this, helps our faith to effectively apply this privilege we have to do things in the name of Jesus [according to the will of God]. Prayer is acceptable to God when done in the name of Jesus. We have victory over any matter, when we invoke the authority in the name of Jesus, because His authority is higher that all else. We can rebuke spirits in the name of Jesus and obtain victory for our souls. We can make requests in the name of Jesus, and receive it. This is an open provision we have as believers, only our lack of faith can hinder us from enjoying this provision.
  • The Word of God. Romans 1:16, Psalm 19:7, Hebrews 4:12, John 5:25, 1st Peter 2:2, Ephesians 5:26, Deuteronomy 8:3, John 6:27-58, Hebrews 5:12. The Word of God contains the power of God to save our soul by converting it from the old sinful nature to God’s nature by creating Christ in your personality. How? Hebrews 11:3, Genesis 1:3, 2 Peter 3:5, Romans 10:17, 1st Peter 1:23, Galatians 4:19, Colossians 1:27, Colossians 3:16, Ephesians 3:17, Ephesians 6:1, John 15:3, 1st Thessalonians 2:13, 1st John 2:14, Revelation 19:13. It is by the Word of God that the world was created, and likewise, it is by the Word of God that the Christ [God’s] nature will be created in us. But we need to believe the Word of God for that power of God in it to be released to create Christ in us. It is a miracle activated by faith. Hebrews 11:3, Hebrews 4:2. We are changed as we continue to take in His word through personal devotion, fellowship, inspired written or recorded materials.
  • Fellowship. 1st John 1:1-10.
    •  Fellowship with God [through prayers, worship, thanksgiving]. Prayer is having a communion with God. Exodus 25:22. It is a way of opening a channel between you and God, so that the life of God can flow to you to strengthen and change you [your soul] into from the weakness of sin to God’s resemblance. Matthew 26:41. It was the way our Lord Jesus always drew strength to live an overcoming life. Luke 5:16, Luke 6:12. The Lord also demonstrated symbolically that prayer is how we can be changed [even in our soul]. Luke 9:29. And our Lord Jesus showed us the key elements that should be contained in our prayer. Matthew 6:9-13. Worship. Requests in line with His divine purpose of establishing His Kingdom in our lives and on the earth. Requests for our daily physical needs of any sort: physical, emotional, financial, psychological, academical, etc. Requests for forgiveness of sins: known and unknown. Requests for spiritual preservation and advancement. Worship and thanksgiving. A life of prayer will keep us under the constant influence of God and accelerate the salvation of our soul in His resemblance. 1st Thessalonians 5:17. It also is how we can make war against the powers of darkness that still try to exercise an influence of sin over us. Ephesians 6:12-18. Prayer could either be done with understanding, or in un-understood tongues by faith. What does it mean to pray in tongues? Is it available to every believer? Yes. Praying in tongues is simply allowing or seeking the Holy Spirit to pray on your behalf for issues you are unaware of, or don’t know how to pray for. The moving of your mouth [while praying in tongues] is as step of faith affirming your request that the Holy Spirit do the praying for you. Therefore, praying in tongues is only valid through faith. Such assisted prayers can give you victories in many aspects of your soul and every day living.
    • Fellowship with one another [being part of a body in Christ]. 1st John 1:1-10, Psalm 133:1-3, James 5:16, Ephesians 5:2. Being part of a fellowship in unity exposes you to a higher level of anointing that if you are just alone. Psalm 133:1-3 shows this. It also helps you to develop a more balanced character of humility, submission, forgiveness and love as you learn to work with your brethren who have unique personalities. You learn more about yourself and your weaknesses as you observe your interactions with your brethren, and it drives you to pray more for the conversion of your soul and to seek more to be establishment in love – which is the very nature of God. 1st Corinthians 13:4-7 describes this nature of love which includes: suffering hurt and still being kind, not being envious, not being proud, not being arrogant, not being rude, not being selfish, not being easily annoyed, not thinking evil [that is, not keeping record of wrongs but forgiving as Christ forgave us – Colossians 3:12-16], not rejoicing in [or encouraging] sin but rejoicing in truth when it is done or expressed, bearing with one another, believing [trusting] one another, hoping for the best for one another and enduring anything for one another.