59 – Jesus our Redeemer

59 – Jesus our Redeemer

And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation; [10] And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.

Revelation 5:9-10 KJV

In Israel, all land belonged to God and was never to be sold forever. God himself assigned the lot of each inheritance and allotted each part of the land to His people by tribes and clans, Leviticus 25:23. It was understood that all land was God’s and so to sell the land was essentially theft. In order to prevent the land from being sold from clan to clan or from a Jew to a gentile, God established several laws in Leviticus 25. One of these laws was the law of the Jubilee in Leviticus 25:28. A man had the right to claim his land back if he had sold it due to poverty. He had until the year of Jubilee to buy it back (if he was wealthy enough). If a man could not redeem it, his nearest kinsman had the right of redemption.

Once this kinsman bought the land, however, it was not returned to the initial owner of the land. It became the property of the kinsman. The good this man did for his relative, however, especially if he died childless was to bear a son for him, Deuteronomy 25:5-10. This son was technically the son of the kinsman because the kinsman had redeemed what was his brothers. However, the son had the name of the kinsman’s brother, so that his name will not be removed from Israel. Also, this son partook of the inheritance and if he was the firstborn of this kinsman, this meant a double portion, Deuteronomy 21:15-17.

An example of this principle was displayed in the book of Ruth, where Boaz redeemed Ruth, including all that was Elimelech’s, Killion and Malon’s, Ruth 4:9. He also by extension took Ruth for his wife, but Obed was his son and became part of his estate and inheritance.

In our case, Adam was a son of God, Luke 3:38. He was given the whole earth as his possession to rule, have dominion, and subdue it. The earth was given to the sons of men, Psalm 115:16. However, by reason of transgression, Adam sold his possession to the devil. There is a principle in Romans 6:16 that whoever you obey, you become the person’s slave. When Adam gave obeyed the serpent instead of God in Genesis 3, all that was his, including himself, his wife, children, inheritance became the property of Satan. This was until Christ, whose obedience was to God alone! Christ came in the likeness of Adam, however, he was not of the seed of Adam. As Psalm 139:13-16 says, God formed Christ’s substance in Mary’s womb. This was outside of all human biological intervention. He is purely a Son of God, like Adam was and so He was not only the nearest kinsman but man’s only kinsman. He is the second adam and the last real man, 1 corinthians 15:45-48.

What does this mean for us?

The first Adam was made from the earth and so we inherited all that he had, including his fallen nature and his slavery. The new Adam however paid the redemption price and so we are technically not Adam’s anymore, but we belong to Jesus Christ! Now Isaiah 53 says

Isaiah 53:8,10 NLT “Unjustly condemned, he was led away. No one cared that he died without descendants, that his life was cut short in midstream. But he was struck down for the rebellion of my people. [10] But it was the LORD’s good plan to crush him and cause him grief. Yet when his life is made an offering for sin, he will have many descendants. He will enjoy a long life, and the LORD’s good plan will prosper in his hands.

Christ did not die Childless! He is called the everlasting father, Isaiah 9:6. After redeeming us, he gave birth to a whole new race of Children in the womb of the resurrection, or as Psalm 110:3 shows, a people reborn in the day God displayed the greatness of His power (the resurrection, Ephesians 1:16-19), in the beauty of holiness from the womb of the Morning (the rising of the Son)! Hallelujah!

This means there was a slot created for all who would willfully believe and become His children, John 1:12, and these will share Christ’s inheritance as the first begotten of the Father. What is this inheritance? Remember, Christ redeemed all that was Adam’s from the devil and redeemed us unto God. We get a double inheritance! We inherit both Christ’s inheritance as the express image of God and all that Adam was originally given! We are not only sons of Adam, we are also Sons of God in Christ!

Final thoughts: Beloved, now that you know this, what should you do? Hebrews 2 says we do not see all things under our feet yet, but we see Jesus! Our inheritance was authored and will be completely ours as we look unto Jesus who began and will complete. Arm yourself with the knowledge of who you are in Christ and walk in that light, looking unto Jesus who has redeemed you. Know also that when He redeemed you, He redeemed all that was Adams, meaning all that pertained to you was redeemed. If you notice anything that is showing signs of slavery to sin and bondage in your life, Plead the blood! This means, raise a case in the courts of heaven with the truth that by the blood of Jesus, you and all that was yours was redeemed! Even the lawful captive was delivered! It is by this truth you overcome!

Prayer for today: Lord Jesus, thank you choosing to excercise your right of redemption! Thank you for redeeming me unto God! Now in You, I am not only free from slavery, I have an inheritance! Now I choose to look at you, knowing that you who started a good work in me, will complete it till the day your return! Lord help me to walk in this liberty where with you have made me free! 

Scripture reading: Hebrews 2

Blessings Beloved 👋
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