You are a living creature; the church of the firstborn is the living creature. This is where He sets His throne. His government brings upon you a constraint and it teaches you how to kill self and the enemy. It equips you with the armoury to live victoriously over sin. You do not only choose now, but you choose with the mindset to destroy the enemy. He empowers you to do so, His government is the power of His might that strengthens you. Ephesians 6:10-12. This happens when we get baptised in the Holy Spirit. You might have been previously led by the reactions of men, but now, you are being led by the Spirit of God. Romans 8:14. The ‘waters above’ is the Spirit and the ‘water below’ is your soul. You will see later, that the water below separates into the land and the sea and the both must bring forth. As you allow His government to be upon you, the earth will bring forth goodly things and the sea as well. This will be the topic of another meditation. However, know that the second day is the day of His rulership. He lowers His hand upon your head. That head is your mind, the love of Christ constrains you, you cannot do what you want, He is your Lord. This is because, at the final stage, He will stamp out everything that is of the old, that you will not even remember sin.
Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power, in the beauties of holiness from the womb of the morning: thou hast the dew of thy youth. Psalm 110:3 KJV
The Grace of the Lord be with your Spirit.