then came the Amalekites. They asked, “Is God amongst us or not”, Exodus 17. Never let the enemy get you to the point where you doubt His presence. It was a very fierce battle, Moses had to hold his hand up till they obtained the victory. However, God did not condemn them for their unbelief, instead, He swore to wipe out the Amalekites. This is the kind of Father we serve. God will NEVER take side with your enemy or support anything that disturbs your peace. The enemy uses what you give to him to fight you if you do not equip him, he is powerless. Faith honours God, fear honours the devil. Choose to honour God by walking in faith. Make that decision in your heart to honour God by faith and He will surely honour you. Each evening and morning come with a development, a growth and a manifestation of God. When He started there was darkness (the evening) and He said let there be light and there was light (day), but there was still a mixture of light and darkness and He separated the two, making a clear distinction. This was the next phase of God’s work in our redemption. Light is the knowledge of God as revealed in the Holy Scriptures, 2 Corinthians 4:6. Ignorance is darkness, and this destroys Hosea 4:6. Hence He says “the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the LORD’s glory, as the water covers the sea” Habakkuk 2:14, first our earth. This happens as we continually behold His face, in the Word. In the old testament, they could not behold Moses’ face. However, in Christ, it is not so, the veil is removed. 2 Corinthians 3:13-18. How is the veil removed, that a mortal man, whose eye does not have enough strength to behold the magnitude of the light emanating from God’s presence, can behold Christ? Good question, it is because He is the one beholding Himself. He put Himself inside of you. The Spirit of the Lord in the heart of man is more precious than Gold. Celebrate the Spirit of God in your life! 2 Corinthians 4:7. Always learn to ask Him for help. All the glory must be to Him when you know that you are an earthen vessel, you will not look to you. Pause and read Psalm 84. The valley of Baca is the valley of pain and weeping and those who sow in tears, through the evening shall doubtless come with rejoicing. Psalm 126:5-6, Psalm 30:5. What is the weeping about? It is the longing to see Him, to be with Him. Any other pain is only a reminder that we need Him. Psalm 42:1 says as the deer pants after the water brook so My soul pants after the Lord. A deer pants for the water brook when it is in a life and death situation, perhaps when struck by an archer, to revive itself. When we have any discomfort about the issue of life, let us run to Him.