The Perfection of our faith – Q&A 5

The Perfection of our faith – Q&A 5

Escaping lust by the promise

Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.

2 Peter 1:4 KJV
If a school promises all students with a first class (distinction) an automatic job in whatever company they choose as well as an amount of money, you better believe that students will begin to act like first class students. They will study and carry themselves in a manner worthy of this. This is for a man's promise that is time bound. Man's promise has an 'if' factor with it. God's promises however, does not have an 'if' because it is done and settled in Christ. These seven great promises is the same promises that was given since the beginning. All the patriarchs fought for the promise. Anyone who received the promise fought for it. The promises have been mentioned to you, but this does not mean it is ours yet. You need to get the promise personally and fight for it that you partake of it. 


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