And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint;
Luke 18:1 KJV
In the verse above, Jesus spoke a parable and He said, "men ought always to pray and not to faint". This word “ought” implies that men are expected and required to pray and not to faint. This means the opposite is of praying is to faint. What does it mean to faint? It means to lose life. One who faints become temporarily unconscious of their surrounding. If one is not praying, he is fainting. Another meaning of the word "faint" is to be weary. When people are faced with different trials, if they are not praying, they become temporarily unconscious of the fact that God dwells inside them. Often, we have the mindset that God is a far off. However, in these days, the Lord will make us know that He is not afar off, but nearby